Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Who's Who: Zoraz

by Russell & Siskoid

Real Name: Inapplicable
Super-Power(s): It's complicated
Planet of Origin: Inapplicable
Relationship to Legion: Sparring partner

Legion Log
Zoraz appeared as a "secret" foe of the Legion on the day before the induction ceremony of Tyroc. As a new recruit, Tyroc did not know anything about him. Superboy and Cosmic Boy told Tyroc that Zoraz was a thief who stole DNA from every Legionnaire and then somehow used these genomes to give himself the powers of these Legionnaires.

In reality, Zoraz was nothing more than a padded suit that hid the identity of whichever Legionnaire was wearing it. During so-called "Zoraz Training Sessions," Legionnaires would face an unknown Legionnaire in the Zoraz uniform without knowing who was in it. This was supposed to equate to facing foes whose power sets were unknown.

During the final induction test for Tyroc, Sun Boy and Superboy wore the Zoraz uniform. The Legionnaires wanted to see how Tyroc fared in a "real-life" stress situation, and he managed to hold his own against both of these long-time members.

However,  unknown to the Legionnaires, a recent Legion Reject named Absorbancy Boy (later known as Earth Man) acquired the suit and therefore "absorbed" the abilities of Sun Boy and Superboy. Facing these combined abilities, Tyroc still proved his worth as a Legionnaire by defeating "Zoraz."

The Zoraz uniform was never shown again, in any continuity. With the strengthening of the Legion Academy and its protocols, it could be that Zoraz as a training exercise was retired. However, according to the Who's Who in the Legion entry reprinted above, the Zoraz uniform did last as a training mode for several more years. Although not shown, the post claims that it lasted until Quislet tried to inhabit the suit and it subsequently exploded into nothingness.

After Infinite Crisis, Zoraz's original history has presumably been more or less restored.

Important Zoraz stories:

Superboy/Legion of Super-Heroes #218
(reprinted in The Legion of Super-Heroes Archives Vol. 12
and Showcase Presents: The Legion Vol. 5)
The one and only appearance of Zoraz

1 comment:

  1. I could never quite figure out how someone with Superboy's powers was dropped by a normal-strength punch
